It’s nearly Christmas, and in my household that means early mornings. When I say early I mean getting up a 2.30am. It’s the same every year. With the run up to Christmas my husband has to start work before sunrise and before anyone in their right mind is out of bed. This means I get up too, because I like to make sure he has a nice breakfast and a cup of coffee before he leaves. Plus I do him food for break time.

All the years before it’s never effected me. Yet for some reason, this year, it’s really thrown me through a loop. I mean, my sleep time at the moment is terrible. He goes to work and I am still wide away. I remain this way until the sun rises, which then sets me up for a slow and groggy day.

It’s not his fault, bless him. But I will be glad when Monday comes and he breaks up for Christmas. Not just because then I get to spend all my time with him, but because then we can say goodbye to 2.30 rising. Until next year.

The Littlest Plague Doctor is now available on a variety of things including mugs, tee shirts, keyrings, buttons, notebooks etc. I want a pillow. I mean, who doesn’t want to snuggle with the worlds cutest Plague Doctor?

I still have to finish the picture his in with the balloons. It’ll probably have to wait for another day, however, because oww, my head. Major headache brewing.

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